Developing democratic society through big and open data 
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Vision and Values

We want to create the world where data works for all. The world with transparent and effective processes and decisions that are based on big and open data.

At the heart of our activity is an expert team and innovative technologies.

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Helping Ukraine

Helping Ukraine is one of the main values. We are implementing NGO activities, fully supporting Ukraine

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Data-driven decision making

We make decisions after conducting deep and substantive analysis of available data

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We use cutting-edge and the most effective technologies to solve the problems and make decisions

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Flexibility and readiness for changes

In a fast-changing environment, we adapt, make quick decisions, and adjust them based on information

Areas of activity

Area 1

Big and open data education

Employee training for government agencies, enterprises and organizations
Explaining complex concepts to engaged professionals for increased efficiency
Area 2

Research using open and big data

Countering disinformation
the rights of internally displaced persons
issues of frontline regions
rights of children, women, youth, and the LGBTQ+ community
veterans' problems
Developing methodologies for researching open and big data
Area 3

Developing products that work with big and open data to solve social problems

Helping to find people, for example, children abducted from the territory of Ukraine, prisoners of war, etc.
Counteracting disinformation
Helping to ensure the security of state enterprises and critical infrastructure
Increasing efficiency and transparency in government agencies and institutions
Area 2

Research using open and big data

Countering disinformation
the rights of internally displaced persons
issues of frontline regions
rights of children, women, youth, and the LGBTQ+ community
veterans' problems
Developing methodologies for researching open and big data
Area 3

Developing products that work with big and open data to solve social problems

Helping to find people, for example, children abducted from the territory of Ukraine, prisoners of war, etc.
Counteracting disinformation
Helping to ensure the security of state enterprises and critical infrastructure
Increasing efficiency and transparency in government agencies and institutions
Area 4

Open data ratings

Raising Ukraine's positions in open data rankings
Transferring Ukraine's knowledge and experience in working with open data to other countries


Counteracting disinformation




Counteracting disinformation


Counteracting disinformation
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